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September was the month of new beginnings. Shyla started college at Mercyhurst University to major in dance. Landon received his driver's license and loves his newfound freedom, and Aubree began Kindergarten. Because of the new changes, my emotions have fluctuated from tears one minute to laughter the next. Each transition was heartbreaking.

The week after we dropped Shyla off at college, I borrowed a puzzle from the library and put it in her room. When I had free moments, I pieced it together, prayed for her, and mourned the loss of her childhood. I cried when Landon stayed out past his curfew because I no longer had control of his comings and goings. It also hit me sideways when I bawled for thirty minutes after I dropped Aubree off for her first day at Kindergarten.

My life had shifted, and I needed something or someone to ground me. That's when I looked to Jesus, and he reminded me that He is the same, yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8. I will change, my children will grow, my family will go through transitions, but Jesus and his love never change. And because of this promise I will be okay.


Comments (5)

Feb 09

Love this ❤️


We are definitely going to try out this recipe!


Jan 25

Great topic Heather! It's definitely one not talked about often and one that you just have to try to figure it out on your own, at least for me anyway.


Jan 20

Amen, Heather! These words are so true and encouraging right now!


Jan 01

Thank you, Heather, for your beautiful post. I alwasy feel so much love and encouragement from reading your blog posts <3

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